Laurence Wood’s evolution as a painter started in the late 1970s and early 80s in the UK. Known for his poetic layering of thought-provoking imagery, shape, colour and expressive gesture, his most recent work is concerned with the psycho-geography of his surroundings, infusing personal reflections with visual patterns. Now residing in London, Laurence spent much of his professional career in Hong Kong as the Head professor of the Visual and Interdisciplinary Arts division at the Education University. He is also a published author and contributed to several publications concerning art techniques.
He has exhibited internationally at institutions within China, Singapore, and Malaysia, and across Europe in places such as London, England, France, and Amsterdam in the Netherlands.
Laurence作為畫家的旅程始於 70 年代末和 80 年代初的英國。他以詩意的意象、形狀、色彩和表現力的詩意層次而聞名。近年作品聚焦在周遭環境的心理地理學,將個人反思與視覺藝術融為一體。雖Laurence現居倫敦,其職業生涯的大部分時間都在香港度過,包括擔任教育大學視覺與跨學科藝術系首席教授。同時他也是一位出版作家,並為多本有關藝術技巧的出版物做出了貢獻。